Twenty Five- Breath Taking

“It made me more than happy.”  Child’s comment in evaluation focus group for Kindling.

It’s celebrating their childhood isn’t it. It’s making their childhood years special and memorable because these years are so fleeting really and they only have one shot at childhood so we feel it is our duty and our privilege to make it as good as it can possibly be.  Teacher, evaluation for Kindling.

We can reignite the creative compassion of our communities if we think differently.” Ken Robinson

The purpose of these pieces of writing are so Ori and myself can take a long look into how and why the children are empowered to create an event that is simply “breathtaking”.  The work breathes, it allows the participants’ imaginations to breathe and those who are witness to it find it breathtaking. All this breathing is the stuff of life. All living things breathe, one way or another.  Taking breath is literally to inspire (“2. breathe in (air); inhale. “They can expand their lungs and inspire enough gas to satisfy oxygen requirements””). The work enhances lives and creates new life possibilities. We are looking at how this work has inspired – created the necessary creative gas.

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